Friday, June 24, 2011

Some favorites...

So many posts brewing in my mind! Kyle's final regular season little league game (EVER), which resulted in a championship (second in his career as a Dodger!), the start of summer vacation, my girl and her incredible swimming abilities (the girl is absolutely excelling at swim lessons), Kyle being an usher at the 8th grade graduation, our 9th wedding anniversary, and the selection of BOTH Kyle and Jordan to LYNDON ALL-STAR teams!! So much is happening and I am having a hard time keeping up with blogging, and with two all-star schedules I will fall even further behind I'm sure. But that's okay because we are so enjoying the crazy hecticness that comes with raising a family!

So until I have time to sit down and actually put words to all that has gone on lately, I will just have to post some recent favorite pics...

Cracking up!!

Reason # 123 for loving him...wool socks. all. the. time.

She found this alien bug shedding...

and it wasn't enough to just hold it on her finger, nope, she had to further gross me out by putting on her nose and chasing me. Lovely child...

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